Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Regards the pascal mania, on this sunny morning I will give one more trick for the lovers of Turbo Pascal 7.0 software, which tricks us how to copy the program code browsing of our results and the results of our own type in our code word from a word processor, notepad, etc..
I was initially confused as to how a way that I was not tired of typing back programs that are clearly before us to Turbo Pascal. The first, I tried to copy it menual way, ie with my block all the source code and i press ctrl + c. I then paste in Turbo Pascal 7.0 software, and the result is a big zero. then I try to experiment with my own way, namely with the steps which I will explain below.
just follow the steps below carefully, so that you all can get the desired results.
How to copy the code into a program turbo pascal (. Pas) :
- Please open the default Windows notepad. and a notepad window will appear as below.
- Then paste the code in notepad program you want to open in Turbo pascal. I like the example program below.
- Then select the menu File - Save As.
- Then the Save As window will appear as below.
- In the Save As window. Please select where you would like the file munyimpan. the menu file name write the name of your program as you wish and add the name. "fit". example (coba.pas). and in the Save as type menu please select All files. then select save. more details, please see the image below.
Congratulations you can now copy the source code to the form of Turbo Pascal programs.
Greeting pascal mania and may be useful.