There are several ways (format) to display a link on a web page. An embedded link (link is stored) is one of the few common ways: one or more of the words that uses the type / style of special text.
The term hyperlinks ( hyperlink ) has been used in 1965 ( or possibly 1964 ) by Ted Nelson and Project Xanadu started on . Nelson has been inspirational with " As We May Think " a popular essay by Vannevar Bush . In the essay , Bush described a microfilm machine that can connect two pages of information into a trail of related information , and then scroll back and forth between pages . Wonder if they call it as a single microfilm . The analogy today is to build a list ( row ) instructions pages on subjects related to the web page and then allows the user to roll forward and backward in the order .
In a series of books and articles published from 1964 through 1980 , Nelson transposed Bush's concept of automated cross-referencing into the computer context , made with specific lines of text into a page intact , generalized from desk - sized machine ( desk size ) to the local a worldwide computer network , and advocated the creation of such a network . Meanwhile , a team led by Douglas Engelbart ( with Jeff Rulifson as chief programernya ) first to implement the hyperlink concept for scrolling within a single document (1966 ) , and soon after for connecting between paragraphs within separate documents (1968 ) . See NLS
link or the Indonesian better known as the link address is a post facility that will be connecting to the full address, it means we can make a word that later when clicked will go to the address that we insert.
- select the word that we will give the link, then select the link tool, input the address of the link. like the example below
- URL window will appear, please write down the address that will make your text as a hyperlink.
NB: After entering the address, we were we paste the link automatically turn blue and underlined
* greetings bloggers and hopefully useful