Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
Regards the blogging, on this night I Menn share how to attach a comment facebook comments, blogs by default already has a comment box that automatically located right below the article that we have made.
The comments serve as a means of questioning the blogging, when blogging was still not understand the above article sepenuhnnya made by the admin.
facebook comments not much different from the default comment that has been provided by the blogger, but the special comment may occur facebook share media directly in social media is "FACEBOOK".
just follow the steps below carefully.
How to install the facebook comment box in blogger:
- Please Login to your blogger account.
- Select Template => Edit HTML
- Find <div class='comments' id='comments'> (with Ctrl + f)
- Then copy the code below, right UNDER code <div class='comments' id='comments'>
<div class='comments-tab' id='fb-comments' onclick='javascript:commentToggle("#fb-comments");' title='Comments made with Facebook'><img class='comments-tab-icon' src=''/><fb:comments-count expr:href='data:post.url'/> Comments</div><div class='comments-tab inactive-select-tab' id='blogger-comments' onclick='javascript:commentToggle("#blogger-comments");' title='Comments from Blogger'><img class='comments-tab-icon' src=''/> <data:post.numComments/> Comments</div><div class='clear'/></div><div class='comments-page' id='fb-comments-page'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><div id='fb-root'/><fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' num_posts='2' width='400'/></b:if></div><div class='comments comments-page' id='blogger-comments-page'>
<script src=''/><script src=''/><meta content='Your Facebook ID ' property='fb:admins'/><script type='text/javascript'>function commentToggle(selectTab) {$(".comments-tab").addClass("inactive-select-tab");$(selectTab).removeClass("inactive-select-tab");$(".comments-page").hide();$(selectTab + "-page").show();}</script><style>.comments-page { background-color: #f2f2f2;}#blogger-comments-page { padding: 0px 5px; display: none;}.comments-tab { float: left; padding: 5px; margin-right: 3px; cursor: pointer; background-color: #f2f2f2;}.comments-tab-icon { height: 14px; width: auto; margin-right: 3px;}.comments-tab:hover { background-color: #eeeeee;}.inactive-select-tab { background-color: #d1d1d1;}</style>
- Then Save / simpan.
- If there are two codes <div class='comments' id='comments'> , select the second code.
- Change your "Your facebook ID" with URL / your Facebook ID .
* Greeting blogging and hopefully useful.